
We're Here to Help You Find Relief.

Don’t allow lack of sleep or pain to stop you from living. Give us a call.

Oral Sleep Medicine

Of all the patients prescribed a CPAP, many (if not most) can’t tolerate it. That’s where oral sleep medicine can help. Oral appliances are the leading alternative to a CPAP.

Trigger Point (Prolotherapy)

An injection-based treatment used to treat acute and chronic muscular pain. Stimulates the body’s healing process to help re-program your muscles to a better, pain-free, state.

TMJ Headaches

Stop the pain now. Dr. Ramsey can aide you in easing the tension of TMJ headaches and getting you back to enjoying life.

Dr. Charles E. Ramsey, DMD

Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine

An award winning dentist, dedicated to treating and maintaining your sleep and pain-free days. Dr. Charles Ramsey has been a dental professional for over 30 years and has the knowledge to heal and the wisdom to listen. Not your everyday dentist, he’s the one we all wish they were molded after.

Our goal is to help promote restorative sleep and diminish head and neck pain.

What Patients Say

testimonials from patients we’ve treated